This week on my website, Free Book Friday, we're giving away two signed ARCs (Advanced Reader's Copy) of LOVE UNDER COVER! Plus, I've posted a portion of an interview that I recently did with my UK publisher on the site.
So head on over to to enter to win one and check out the interview.
So what's an ARC, you ask? Well, for those of you who want to know, you can read the rather lengthy explanation I've written below. For those of you who frankly don't care, this blog post is officially over.
ARCs are one of those fancy-schmancy publishing terms that we authors like to throw around to sound important. Also called, "Galleys." Basically they're like "temporary" versions of the book. They look like a book, they have the same cover that the final book will have, but usually the back and spine will be a temporary plain white back with black text, as opposed to the cool final graphics they do for the backs of books. AND, the most important thing about ARCs is that they're usually riddled with typos! Because they come from a version of the manuscript that has yet to go through the final proofread. That's why the publisher will usually write, "Uncorrected Proofs" on the front cover, so no one holds those pesky little typos against us.
Have a great day, everyone!
I cannot wait to get my hands on Love Under Cover! To the point I did something I've never done before - I pre-ordered it so I couldn't forget when it came out. And ARC would be so cool though! :o)
See I was so excited typing that comment I didn't catch MY typo. It should've been AN ARC, not AND ARC. Ugh!
Thanks for pre-ordering, Lucy! I really appreciate it! And if you don't win the ARC, I'll be giving out ONE more on my website next week!
Good luck!
If it's half as good as The Fidelity Files ---it's definetly worth owning and sharing with friends.
Thanks, Enyl! I'm so glad you liked the first one. My agent thinks this one is better but I can never tell. I'm too close. You'll have to let me know!
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